Portland Real Estate Agent Email List of oregon

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Real Estate Agent Emails Updated - Apr 29, 2024

Number of Realtor contacts
Realtor Email Addresses
Office Addresses
Phone Numbers
Fax Numbers
Cell Numbers
Realtors with License

Pricing Plans of Portland, Oregon List

Discover the pricing plans for Portland, Oregon Realtor List, featuring 3,974 contacts. Choose from flexible options to access reliable and up-to-date information on real estate professionals in Portland, Oregon.
Email Database Package
  • Name of Realtor
  • Realtor Email
  • Office Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
Complete Database Package
  • Name of Realtor
  • Realtor Email
  • Office Name
  • Address
  • City
  • State
  • Zip
  • County
  • Phone ,Fax , Cell
  • License Type & Number
  • Association

Portland, Oregon Real Estate Agent Email List Details

Our real estate agent email database for Portland, Oregon, is a valuable resource for anyone looking to connect with real estate professionals in this vibrant market. Portland is renowned for its diverse neighborhoods, booming real estate scene, and strong demand for housing, making it an attractive location to target for real estate-related products and services.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive Database: Our email list includes a comprehensive database of real estate agents and brokers operating in Portland, Oregon. It encompasses a wide array of professionals, from individual agents to prominent brokerage firms, ensuring you have access to a diverse pool of contacts.
  • Up-to-Date Information: We diligently update our database to ensure accuracy and currency. This involves verifying email addresses, phone numbers, and other contact details to provide you with the most reliable information.
  • Customizable: The email list is customizable to align with your specific requirements. You can tailor criteria such as geographical location to suit your needs.
  • Easy to Use: The email list is delivered in CSV format, which is compatible with popular spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. This facilitates smooth integration into your CRM or email marketing system.


  • Targeted Marketing: Utilize our email list to focus your marketing efforts on real estate professionals in Portland, ensuring your message reaches the right audience.
  • Increased Reach: Accessing a substantial database of realtors in Portland can enhance your reach and visibility in the competitive real estate landscape of the city.
  • Cost-Effective: Our email list presents a cost-effective means to reach a large number of real estate professionals in Portland without the need for pricey advertising campaigns.

Use Cases:

  • Email Marketing Campaigns: Leverage the email list to promote your real estate services, products, or events to realtors in Portland.
  • Networking: Connect with real estate professionals in Portland to expand your professional network and uncover collaboration opportunities.
  • Market Research: Use the email list to conduct market research and gain insights into the Portland real estate market.

Data fields of Portland, Oregon Realtor Database

We offers a comprehensive collection of information with 3,974 contacts. Explore a rich array of data fields, including full names, first names, middle names, last names, emails, office names, addresses, cities, states, ZIP codes, counties, phone numbers, fax numbers, cell numbers, license types, license numbers, and associations. Connect with real estate professionals in Portland, Oregon
Full Name
First Name
Middle Name
Last Name
Office Name
License Type
License Number

Sample & Screenshot of Portland, Oregon List

FAQ Regarding Portland, Oregon Real Estate Agent Email Lists, Realtors


How can I access the Realtor Email List for Portland, Oregon?

Our Portland Real Estate Email Database is a valuable resource containing detailed information about real estate agents and brokers in the Portland area. This list includes email addresses, phone numbers, and other essential contact details of professionals operating in the Portland real estate market.

Maximizing the Potential of the Real Estate Agent Mailing List for Portland

Leverage our Portland real estate agent mailing list to amplify your marketing efforts by reaching out to real estate professionals in the Portland region. Whether you aim to promote your real estate services, products, or simply network with industry experts, this database serves as a strategic tool for your business objectives.

Ensuring the Accuracy of the Portland Real Estate Agent List

We diligently update our Portland real estate agent list to maintain accuracy and relevancy. Despite our proactive approach to data management, we recommend cross-referencing the information provided, as the real estate landscape can undergo rapid transformations.

Acquiring the Portland Real Estate Mailing List

Acquiring the Portland real estate agent email database is a seamless process. Visit our website, select the appropriate package, complete the payment process, and receive a download link to access the database promptly.

Customizing the Portland Real Estate Agent Email List

Tailor the Portland real estate agent email database to align with your specific requirements. Customize criteria based on geographic location, brokerage firms, or other preferences to receive a personalized email list that meets your business needs.

Data Format of the Portland Real Estate Agent Mailing List

The email list of real estate agents in Portland, Oregon, is available in CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format. This format ensures compatibility with a variety of spreadsheet applications, including Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets.

Guidelines for Using the Portland Real Estate Mailing List

Adherence to our terms and conditions is imperative when utilizing our Portland real estate mailing list. Please review the guidelines outlined to understand the acceptable usage policies and restrictions associated with our email database.

Requesting a Sample of the Portland Real Estate Agent Lists

We offer the opportunity to request a sample of our Portland real estate agent email list. Reach out to our team to receive a sample and gain insight into the comprehensive data we provide.
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